Your Money Matters
Let’s start with the basics of money. What is your money mindset? Click on this lesson to continue.
Your Money Matters
Who is the course designed for?
- Young Professionals
- Black and Brown Women
- Young and/or Single moms
- LGBTQ+ identifying professionals
- Individuals re-entering the workforce
What to expect from the course?
- Understanding what equal and competitive pay means to you.
- Pairing your knowledge in real time with the Pay Gap Calculator.
- Learning what it means to be paid correctly now before it impacts you in the future.
- Getting ready to learn how you can start building and evaluating your financial journey.
Your Money Matters Lessons
Fem Equity will teach the basics of competitive pay and how to ask for more. Get ready to learn how to leverage your experience and get paid how you want to!
Lesson 1: Overview + Lesson Objectives
Lesson 2: What is an equal pay?
Lesson 3: What does it mean to be paid competitively?
Lesson 4: Why does advocating for my pay matter?
Moment to pause: What can I learn from others?
Lesson 5: How do I build my experience to get the pay I want?
Lesson 6: Evaluate my current situation and my financial destiny
Lesson 7: Wrap up
Equity over Equality!
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